Meeting to Explain New Sandy Springs Tree Ordinance

A public meeting on Jan. 11 will give Sandy Springs citizens an opportunity to ask questions about the city's proposed tree ordinance. There will be a presentation on how the ordinance works, the minimum requirements for land disturbance permits, the definition of specimen trees, the variance process, problems typically encountered on sites and enforcement. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers, located at City Hall in the Morgan Falls office park.


Anonymous said…
I find that the tree ordinance discussions are difficult to attend. Many professionals in the tree care industry are required to attend the city’s BZA hearings. On the eleventh, this BZA meeting was held concurrent to the ordinance meeting in the adjacent room. I found myself listening to city council making rulings about the current ordinance while knowing that soon the findings and variances granted would be moot. Perhaps in the future the city should conceder not having meetings about an ordinance at the same time an issue using the ordinance is being heard by a city council.

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