Webs in Tree - Its Time For Fall Webworms

I'm getting reports from farther south that fall webworms are active in their favorite trees: Pecans.

Hyphantria cunea is not particularly damaging to trees, but the webs are considered unsightly in the landscape. The insect is a leaf-feeder and does not directly injur other parts of the host plant. I don't recommend any treatment. By the time the webs are noticed, the caterpillars probably have had their fill of leaves.

Other trees considered delicious are persimmon, black cherry, Yoshino cherry, sourwood, sweetgum, willow, and red mulberry.


Craig said…
My favorite way to eliminate these nests is to thrust a stick into the core and twist it until it looks like a giant wad of wriggling cotton candy. From there your options vary. I usually toss the stick aside, pleased that the nest is no longer in sight. But you could drop it into a co-worker's desk or something equally evil.

Just found your blog today, and I enjoy it. I am Craig, a landscape designer in the Nashville area. I have a tree blog where I post photographs of tree details. Stop by some time. www.earlyforest.com
Jesse Milton said…
Fantastic idea!

Thanks for reading, and welcome to Tree News as a first-time commenter. Its good to know there are tree enthusiasts who also have a good sense of humor :D

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